The MICS SNT Analyzer accepts both 118 and 119 records. Which one is recommended?
MICS Resource Management SNT Analyzer r14.4
Component: MSNT
For a long time, the SNT component got TCP /IP information from the 118 record--but the 118 record only supported TCP/IP V4.
When IBM introduced support for TCP/IP V6, they decided to introduce a new record type (119) with some different structure that
could support both TCP/IP V4 and V6 information.
SMF type 119 records should be used instead of SMF type 118 records. SMF type 118 records have been stabilized and no new
information is being added to them.
SMF type 119 records include all the latest enhancements to SMF information created by TCP/IP.
MICS recommends generating and collecting SMF type 119 records, and exclusively using these record types for MICS SNT processing.
Review 'sharedprefix.GENLIB(SNTGENIN)' Ensure that the IBMTCP SMF = 119 parameter is specified in 'prefix.PARMS(SNTOPS)'. Please note that any changes made to SNTOPS
require submission of 'prefix.CNTL(SNTPGEN).
Note: ensure that the same SMF record type is present on the INPUTSOURCE statement in sharedprefix.MICS.GENLIB(SNTGENIN).
If you update the SNTGENIN, do the following: