Displaying special characters like the Yen currency symbol in IDEAL.
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Displaying special characters like the Yen currency symbol in IDEAL.


Article ID: 11970


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The CA IDEAL programmers are unable to output the Yen currency symbol in CA IDEAL.

Can special characters like the Yen currency symbol be displayed in CA IDEAL ? 


z/OS z/VSE


Yes, it is possible to display special characters like the Yen currency symbol or the EURO currency symbol in CA IDEAL.

You need to zap module PMSTRND at the offset equal to the EBCDIC hexadecimal value of that special character by replacing 6F by the hexadecimal value representation of that special character.

In HOST CODE PAGE 037 , the Yen currency symbol has an EBCDIC value of B2.

So run AMASPZAP with 

VER 00B2 6F
REP 00B2 B2

Additional Information

For a list of all displayable character out of the box, issue in IDEAL @I$SCF PGM=PMSTRND. You will dump the load module and see many questions marks. The VER is in place to verify that the question mark ('?') hex character is at that location and you don't accidently replace a character with some other character. Note that there are certain emulator's cannot display certain characters which would be out of IDEAL's control.


For more information, have a look in techdocs.broadcom.com at :  

How to Modify the PMS Conversion Tables (PMSTRUC, PMSTRND, and PMSTRNDK) or have a look in the CA IPC Implementation Guide .