How to copy my Application Name Definition List (/IPAPPLS) from one region to another?
On the region you want to COPY FROM enter Packet Analyzer : Utilities Menu (/IPAUTIL) then select EA for Export Packet Analyzer Application Definitions and update the DSN field. This will write out the entries to the DSN -
<region>---------------- Packet Analyzer : Utilities Menu ---------------/IPAUTIL
Select Option ===>
B - Browse Dataset -
EA - Export Packet Analyzer Application Definitions -
IA - Import Packet Analyzer Application Definitions -
IAD - Import SOLVE Dataspace Application Definitions -
PA - Maintain Packet Analysis Requests IPPAREQ
X - Exit
Data Set Name ...... <hlq>.testexec(test)
( Required B EA IA IAD )
You should receive a FADBADF02 message when the EXPORT is complete.
To IMPORT the Application Name Definition List on COPY TO region you will need to delete any duplicate 'Application Name Definition' entries in /IPAPPLS.
Select Packet Analyzer : Utilities Menu (/IPAUTIL) and this time you will select IA - Import Packet Analyzer Application Definitions and fill in the Data Set name that was created above.
You will receive output for entries that have been added or not.
For example:
Packet Analyzer Application Name Entries
Order ..... 0 added
Order ..... 1 not added, already exists.
Order ..... 5 not added, already exists.
Order ..... 7 not added, already exists.