In the Datacom/DB version 14.x to 15.1 Active Upgrade, there are jobs for Datadictionary, Dataquery, and the Datacom System Tables.
There are no jobs found for SQL nor Presspack - are there any special procedures for these components?
Release: 15.1
There is nothing special to do, and no special jobs to run. SQL will rebind your plans with version 15.1 automatically when they are used. If you fallback to version 14.02, SQL will rebind the plans once more as they execute and as with version 15.0, it is all done behind the scenes. You will see the messages for this in the PXXSQL DD statement in your MUF.
For Presspack, nothing needed here either.
The only action for these two products is putting the version 15.1 libraries into play in the MUF.
For more information about the version 15.1 Active Upgrade process, please refer to the Datacom/DB documentation section "Upgrade Installation Phase".
As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.