Do you have to share the USS file system for Chorus Security and Compliance
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Do you have to share the USS file system for Chorus Security and Compliance


Article ID: 11884


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Mainframe Chorus DBA Discipline Mainframe Chorus Security Discipline


In the manual Chorus for Security and Compliance Management Site Preparation Guide it shows a multiple LPAR architecture. The Chorus Application Server,
which resides in USS, appears to be the common communication vehicle between the LPARs. Does this mean that the USS file system must be shared
between all LPARs that have Cmpliance Manager running.


There are components that run on the USS side of things and mainframe side of things.

The USS file system does note need to be shared.

The GUI component is the only portion of the product that runs on the USS side of things. The rest runs on the mainframe.

Usually the GUI is run on one instance of the multiple LPARs/CPUs and communicates to multiple LPARS/CPUs via LDAP.

You could run multiple GUIs if you wish, if you need a redundant GUI with the additional cost of directory space and CPU usage.