If the Top Secret facility parameter is set to LOCKTIME(0), does this mean the ACID will time out (be locked) upon connectivity to a specific facility?
Does LOCKTIME restrict the user from entry into a facility?
LOCKTIME locks a terminal at the set interval for a terminal that is inactive. Users have to enter the password to continue the session. Example: User signs on and steps away for an hour lunch. When the user steps away for lunch, after 20 minutes, the terminal will lock which prevents unauthorized use of the terminal until the user returns and enters the password.
LOCKTIME(0) disables terminal locking for the FACILITY. LOCKTIME is set at the FACILTIY level and affects all users within the FACILITY.
LTIME on an ACID is just like LOCKTIME but is set at the ACID level and overrides LOCKTIME on the facility. Example:
Regardless of the LOCKTIME value set on the facility, including a LOCKTIME of 0, the user's LTIME will override LOCKTIME and lock the terminal after 10 minutes of inactivity.
The following discusses terminal locking:
LTIME is documented at:
LOCKTIME is documented at: