What is the difference between a good and defective transaction?
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What is the difference between a good and defective transaction?


Article ID: 11841


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CA Application Delivery Analysis MTP (NetQoS / ADA) CA Application Performance Management Agent (APM / Wily / Introscope) INTROSCOPE


  This content comes from a larger discussion from APM SWAT on what data points means in APM CE reports. More references are provided below.

  What is the difference between a good and bad APM CE (CEM) transaction?


Any APM release


 For CEM, a transaction can have only two states/categories – either GOOD or DEFECTIVE:
   • A transaction is considered to be DEFECTIVE if it has at least one defect!
   • A data point also has no meaning without having response Time/Size in it.

 A transaction is considered to be GOOD if any one of the following applies:
  1. Transaction is completed without having any defects (i.e. transaction completely seen all the expected component(s) within the timeout)
  2. Transaction is timed out without having any defects  (i.e. transaction NOT completely seen all the expected component(s) within the timeout, such as a transaction is in incomplete state) OR transaction ended prematurely due to duplicate transaction.

TIM does all the work, i.e. classifying the transactions into GOOD OR BAD/DEFECTIVE based on the above rules and writes the transaction statistics into a file at the end of each hour.  MOM (TESS) will pick up that file and parse the stats records and generate the reports out of it.

Additional Information

 TEC1093677 -- How are the CEM stats percentile values that are displayed in CEM reports/graphs calculated

 TEC604120 --  On the APM CE (CEM) Defect Time Distribution Graph, the data points are far less than the number of total transactions.