DSA_E1990 Cannot register SNMP address
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DSA_E1990 Cannot register SNMP address


Article ID: 11819


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


After rebooting EEM server, the dxserver will not start. Get the following errors in itechpoz_trace.log :

? [192] 20150408.074457.056 ERROR : Syntax Error: Line 1 in /autosys/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/config/knowledge/itechpoz.dxc near '}'

Cannot set DSA

* [192] 20150408.074457.086 DSA_E1280 Error in initialization files

* [192] 20150408.074457.086 DSA_I1240 DSA shutting down

* [192] 20150408.075206.135 DSA_E1990 Cannot register SNMP address

> [192] >>> };

? [192] 20150408.075206.136 ERROR : Syntax Error: Line 1 in /autosys/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/config/knowledge/itechpoz.dxc near '}'

Cannot set DSA

* [192] 20150408.075206.138 DSA_E1280 Error in initialization files


* [192] 20150408.075206.138 DSA_I1240 DSA shutting down


How do we get the dxserver back up and running again?


Release: ATSYHA99000-11.3.6-Workload Automation AE-High Availability Option


We notice when the 'sticky bits' for the DX files are updated/get removed, can cause the problem you are having.


To check to see if this is the problem please logon to your EEM server and cd to the $DXHOME/bin directory.

Once there run ls -la and check the permissions and ownerships of these files:

They should read as follows:

-rwsr-x--- 1 root etrdir 2978077 Sep 29 2011 dxadmind

lrwxrwxrwx 1 dsa etrdir 10 Sep 4 2014 dxserver -> dxserver32

-rwsr-x--- 1 root etrdir 3551126 Sep 29 2011 dxserver32

-rwsr-x--- 1 root etrdir 3926473 Sep 29 2011 dxserver64


If the 'dxadmind', 'dxserver32' and/or 'dxserver64' files do not have '-rwsr-x---' permissions or 'root etrdir' please modify them to be as needed. (you can use 'chmod 4750' to modify the permissions to set the 'sticky bit')