Are there any predefined resource class in the RDT (Resource Descriptor Table) that are for the following CA IDMS resources:
DB Database
There are some predefined resource classes in TSS that can be used for IDMS.
DB Database - While not specifically predefined for IDMS databases, the DATABASE resource class is predefined to the RDT and could be used for this.
AREA Area - There is an AREA resource class predefined to the RDT specifically for the IDMS database AREAs.
NRU - No TSS predefined resource class for this.
QSCH - There is a SUBSCHEM resource class predefined to the RDT specifically for the IDMS subschema names.
NSCH - There is a SUBSCHEM resource class predefined to the RDT specifically for the IDMS subschema names.
TABL - No TSS predefined resource class for this.
DACC - No TSS predefined resource class for this.
SACC - No TSS predefined resource class for this.
The resource class to be used must be specified in the EXTCLS= in the SRTT entry for each of the above and SECBY=EXTERNAL must be set in the SRTT for each to use external security for the resource checking.