Max Rows for Report reached
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Max Rows for Report reached


Article ID: 11802


Updated On:


iDash Workload Automation


There seems to be a limit in the number of rows returned from iDash report. The report I generated only shows 5000 records. The pop-up below appears on the screen where you chose to download the report:


Can the limit be increased?



iDash Workload Automation - 12.1 on all supported platforms.


Yes, the maximum number of rows to report is configurable. The default value is 5000. If you need to increase the maximum value, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Admin Tool and Log In.
  2. Click the iDash Server navigation tab and then click the General sub-tab. Change the Maximum Rows for Reports value as desired.
  3. Save the configuration change and exit the Admin Tool (File menu -> Exit).



  • If you set the Maximum Rows for Reports value to 100,000 or higher, increase the max-heap-size value in iDash.jnlp. The default value for max-heap-size is 512m. The iDash.jnlp file is on the CA Workload Automation iDash server under IDASH_HOME\tomcat8\webapps\idash. Try this setting:
    <j2se version="1.5+" max-heap-size="1024m" />
  • Computers that run the Admin Tool must have enough memory to handle the increased max-heap-size setting on the server.



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