What does the Spectrum poll_device.sh and poll_landscape_for_events.sh scripts?
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What does the Spectrum poll_device.sh and poll_landscape_for_events.sh scripts?


Article ID: 11798


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


What does the Spectrum poll_device.sh and poll_landscape_for_events.sh scripts located in the $SPECROOT/Install-Tools/SRM-Tools directory do?


Version: Any
Component: Spectrum Report Manager (SRM)



When this script is run it will reschedule the SRM asset poll cycle of the device. SRM will update all inventory (device attributes ) details. I.e. device model and interface model table content. 


./poll_device.sh -s (http or https)://<SRM Tomcat host> -p <SRM Tomcat port> -u <OC user> -w <OC user password> -m <device model handle>



When this script is run, it will forcibly trigger the event polling task for a given landscape. It helps to fill gaps in the data on the SRM reporting database from Archive Manager (DDM) database on the SpectroSERVER system.


./poll_landscape_for_events.sh -s (http or https)://<SRM Tomcat host> -p <SRM Tomcat port> -u <OC user> -w <OC user password> -l <landscape name>

To run the scripts:

- Log into the SRM system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation

- If running Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"

- cd to the $SPECROOT/Install-Tools/SRM-Tools directory

- Run the script

There is no need to restart tomcat after running these scripts.

Additional Information


Usage: poll_device.sh -s <server> -p <port> -u <user> -w <password> -m <model handle> [-d] [-h]

    -s <server name>
      OneClick Tomcat server host name
    -p <port>
      OneClick Tomcat server web port
    -u <user>
      OneClick web user name
    -w <password>
      OneClick web user password
    -m <model handle>
      Device model handle
      (Optional) Enables debugging
      (Optional) Prints out this usage help

Usage: poll_landscape_for_events.sh -s <server> -p <port> -u <user> -w <password> -l <landscape name> [-d] [-h]

    -s <server name>
      OneClick Tomcat server host name
    -p <port>
      OneClick Tomcat server web port
    -u <user>
      OneClick web user name
    -w <password>
      OneClick web user password
    -l <landscape name>
      Landscape name to poll
      (Optional) Enables debugging
      (Optional) Prints out this usage help