Why is SMP/e RELFILE hlq.CAYTF02.F1 not deleted after CA Datacom/AD 15.0 install via CA CSM?
FMID CAYTF02 is the optional USS component for CA Datacom Server. The CA Datacom Server USS component is used only by a few CA "Using Products" and only as instructed by those products.
It is true that the base install via CSM will RECEIVE CAYTF02 (an SMP/e list would reflect its receive status).
Since the FMID had not been APPLYed and ACCEPTed, its RELFILE hlq.CAYTF02.F1 would not be deleted during the SMP/e clean up.
This was intentional so customers could, if desired, install the optional USS component to the existing CSI at a later time.
This is as CA Datacom/AD 15.0 install via CSM is designed.
Note, the SMP/e install via SAMPJCL receive of FMID CAYFT02 is optional.