After starting the Compliance Event Manager router task CEMERTR I keep getting the following CEM0157I message every 5 minutes, how do I change the dispatch priority?
CEM0152I CEM ROUTER - SvcClass=STC_MD, DispPri=244
CEM0157I CEM ROUTER - Dispatch Priority must be 254 or higher
When the Compliance Event Manager router task CEMERTR task initializes, the Router periodically interrogates the Dispatching Priority. If, at any time, the Dispatching Priority that is displayed is less than 254 or changes in value, the CEM0157I message is re-displayed. The message displays the Workload Manager Service Class and the assigned dispatch priority.
To correct the dispatch priority make the necessary definition changes to the Workload Manager Policy.
To temporarily change the dispatch priority the following console command can be issued:
'E CEMERTR,SRVCLASS=SYSSTC' for the current running CEMERTR task.
To make a permanent change add the following to the SYS1.PARMLIB current SCHEDxx member: