Using APCDOC utility DOCSCAN; How do we use multiple procedure libraries as input into the scan?
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Using APCDOC utility DOCSCAN; How do we use multiple procedure libraries as input into the scan?


Article ID: 11790


Updated On:


APCDOC Automated Job Documentation


Customer is implementing or adding multiple procedure libraries to their process and  APCDOC DOCSCAN needs updated to handle the additional PROCLIBs. 

Using  APCDOC utility DOCSCAN; How do we use multiple procedure libraries as input into the scan?




In the  APCDOC User Guide section 9.9.1 you will see that you must add a DD statement for every PROCLIB you want to make sure is scanned.

Please read section 9.9.1 for required JCL so you can see where it talks about the SYSPROC DD.

It says:

If you have more than one procedure library, you can specify other data sets on DD statements concatenated to this one.

Sample JCL:

//STEP0020 EXEC PGM=DOCSCAN,                                      
//         REGION=0M,                                             
//         PARM='OPTIONS(SCANOPTS)'                               
//*      APCDOC LOADLIB                                                                          * 
//STEPLIB  DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=your hlq.APCDOC.V13L01.CAILIB           
//*  INPUT  PROCLIB TO BE SCANNED INTO THE INDEX                                  * 
//SYSPROC  DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.PROCLIB                          
//               DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS2.PROCLIB                          
//               DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS3.PROCLIB                          
//*   APCDOC OPTIONS FILE                                                                     * 
//SYSUDUMP DD  SYSOUT=*                                           
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                           
//SYSOUT   DD  SYSOUT=*                                           



Additional Information

See CA APCDOC User Guide section 9.9.1 for samples and explanation of each JCL required DD