Is Java Development Kit (JDK) required for Web Viewer? If only a JRE is needed, can we remove JDK and install JRE? What bitness is required?
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Is Java Development Kit (JDK) required for Web Viewer? If only a JRE is needed, can we remove JDK and install JRE? What bitness is required?


Article ID: 11789


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Is Java Development Kit (JDK) required for Web Viewer? If only a JRE is needed, can we remove JDK and install JRE? What bitness is required?

We Deploy a CA-Web Viewer ear file onto a WebSphere server. Our Server Vulnerability Management team identified JDK (Java Development Kit) and they are going to update JDK to 8u111. JRE should be 64 bit?


This applies to all supported Web Viewer / Operating System environments.


WebSphere provides its own JRE. You will have to speak with WebSphere Support about which JRE/JDK it is using. That said we only require a JRE and it should be 64bit.

Additional Information

64 Bit is recommended because while a 32 Bit JRE may work, it is likely to introduce performance problems.