Create a Channel in Modern Blueprint That Links To Classic
Article ID: 117734
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Clarity PPM On Premise
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What is the correct syntax to use for linking a channel to internal Clarity PPM project pages such as a
Classic Project dashboard
Classic Project subpage
Classic Classic Task List
Release: Clarity 15.5 and higher
In the New UX, go to Administration->Blueprints
Click on the blueprint you want to add the channel to
Click on 'Modules' then click Edit
Bring the Channel (IE Channel 1) over from the left-hand side to the right-hand window
Double click on the Channel
Enter a name for the Channel
Enter the URL you want the channel to link to
Defining URLs for external application will support these 5 context sensitive parameters as links:
Project Code: ${code}
Project ID: ${_internalId}
Project Manager: ${manager}
User Name: ${userName}
Project Name: ${name}
An example to open a Project Dashboard page would be: yourserver.../niku/nu#action:projmgr.projectDashboard&id=${_internalId}
To link to the subpage of a project in Classic:
Go to the subpage in any project in Classic
Copy the URL
Paste the URL into the channel replacing the internal project ID (5xxxxxx #) listed in the URL anywhere found with ${_internalId}
To link to the Classic Task list filtering on certain results:
Go to the task list for any project in Classic
Copy the URL
Paste the URL into the channel replacing the internal project ID (5xxxxxx #) listed in the URL anywhere found with ${_internalId}
Referrer URLs are used when your channel URL is redirected to another authentication link.
Click Preview Note: Those URLs that link to internal IDs will not render correctly in Preview as they cannot pass the project ID. You will see an error instead.
Publish the Blueprint
Once the project is associated with this Blueprint and the Channel is selected it will open the appropriate project dashboard.