Why the CA OPS/MVS load library must be in a STEPLIB or in the LINKLIST.
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Why the CA OPS/MVS load library must be in a STEPLIB or in the LINKLIST.


Article ID: 11766


Updated On: 02-14-2018


OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


I found this sentence in the installation guide:
Important! For OPSVIEW to be fully functional, the OPS/MVS load library must be in a STEPLIB or in the LINKLIST.

For OPSVIEW, I would like to know which function or option, may be not functional if the OPS/MVS load Library is not in the STEPLIB or not in the LINKLIST.


Release: PVLA2.00200-12.2-OPS/MVS-Event Management & Automation-for JES2


OPSVIEW access will just be about totally useless if the TSO user does not have access to the CA OPS/MVS load library via a STEPLIB or LINKLIST. So, if the library is not accessible, most options of OPSVIEW will fail.