When I try to change an ACF2/CICS resource rule, the compile command is successul, but the rule is not updated. A subsequent list of the rule shows the previous change date and changer.
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When I try to change an ACF2/CICS resource rule, the compile command is successul, but the rule is not updated. A subsequent list of the rule shows the previous change date and changer.


Article ID: 11750


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We did a recompile of an existing ACF2/CICS resource rule, stored it and rebuilt the directory. 
We then listed the rule and it showed the OLD version of the rule in place. 

Why did this only start after applying RO88654?


Release: ACF2..001AO-16-ACF2


We had applied RO88654. If this CA fix is installed then ETFA needs two fixes. LD72054 and LD72060

RO88654 caused a change to the ACCVT which ETF/A did not know about.
ETF/A code has now been changed with the supplied apars.