How do I upgrade to the latest version of CA Client Automation ?
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How do I upgrade to the latest version of CA Client Automation ?


Article ID: 11715


Updated On: 10-19-2020


CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Patch Manager


Depending on what version and how big your environment is , there are different methods for upgrading to the latest version of CA Client Automation

How do I upgrade to the latest version of CA Client Automation ?


CA Client Automation - All Versions


There are basically 2 methods for upgrading to the latest version of CA Client Automation.


The method you choose will depend on a number of factors:

1. What version I am on now ?

2. What OS and SQL version am I on now ?

3. Do I have an Enterprise Manager and how many Domain Managers and Scalability Servers ?

4. How many Groups, Queries, Reports, Policies and  Software Delivery Packages do I have and need after I upgrade ?



Method 1:  Upgrade all Managers to the latest version of CA Client Automation

1.  Figure out the upgrade path, depending on how old the version you are on you might need to upgrade to an intermediate version 1st

     Example:   You can't go from R12.5 to R14, you need to go from R12.5 -> R12.8 or R12.9 -> R14

     Or, R14.SP1 or SP2 -> R14.SP3


2.  To do this you need to make sure your OS and SQL version are compatible with the version of CA Client Automation you are upgrading to.

     See the Comparability Matrix to figure that out .

     If the Managers or SQL versions is not supported you will need to upgrade them or move the Manager or database to another machine,

     but there is a limitation, where the Domain Managers and Enterprise Managers, can't change names.


3. Domain Manager and Enterprise: This is a good option for bigger sites with a large number of Domain Mangers

    Scalability Servers and Agents: They  can be upgraded using Software Delivery.

     They can be upgraded directly from almost any version to any version.


4. Since you are upgrading there is no need to copy over Groups, Queries, Policies and Software Packages

     But it is a good time to clean up Obsolete: Agents, Groups, Queries, Policies and Software Delivery packages

     The only drawback is that any garbage data on the old system, is still on the upgraded system.    


Method 2: Setup a whole new Client Automation Environment:

1.  Make sure your OS and SQL version you are installing on is compatible with the version of CA Client Automation:

     See the Comparability Matrix to figure that out .

     This avoids the complication of moving databases and the problem of moving the Domain Manager and changing the name 


2. You don't need to worry about the old version, since you are start fresh with a new Version


3. Enterprise and Domain Managers:  This might not be the right option if you have a lot of DM's, since you will have to recreate them all.

     Scalability Servers can either be upgraded or created new:

     New:  Create the new SS, then send an SD job to the agent, to point from the Agents from the old SS to the new one.

     Upgrade:  Upgrade the old SS and point it the new DM and it will bring all the agents with it.

     Agents: Then upgrade all the agents using Software Delivery 


4.  Groups, Queries, Policies and Software Packages would all have to be recreated on the new Domain Manager.

      Some of these items, can be Exported and Imported, but it usually it is a manual process. 

      It is a good time to clean up Obsolete: Agents, Groups, Queries, Policies and Software Delivery packages

      The only benefit is that you are stating with a fresh system and it should not contain any garbage data from the old system.  

Additional Information

Compatibility Matrix:

CA Client Automation - 14.0 > Supportability Matrix

Upgrade Paths

CA Client Automation - 14.0 > Implementing > Upgrade and Migration Considerations > Upgrade Process