CA Compliance Event Manager alert messages resolve %TIME%, %TIME_SYSTEM%, and %TIME_UTC% variables to the incorrect values for my time zone; how do I fix this?
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CA Compliance Event Manager alert messages resolve %TIME%, %TIME_SYSTEM%, and %TIME_UTC% variables to the incorrect values for my time zone; how do I fix this?


Article ID: 11708


Updated On:


Compliance Event Manager


CA Compliance Event Manager alert messages resolve %TIME%, %TIME_SYSTEM%, and %TIME_UTC% variables to the incorrect values for my time zone; how do I fix this?


Component: CEVM


The CA Compliance Manager Monitor and Alert component alert messages provide variables that you can supply to substitute certain information about the event into the alert message.  One of these variables is the timestamp for when the event occurred.  You can specify either %TIME% or %TIME_UTC% to get the UTC timestamp for the event; or, you can specify %TIME_SYSTEM% to get the system’s (local) timestamp for the event.  

You might see incorrect timestamps on your alerts.  For example, an event that occurs at 13:48:42 Eastern (UTC-5) might display the UTC time as 13:48:42 and the local time as 08:48:42 when the timestamp should be 18:48:42 and 13:48:42, respectively.

This error occurs because if you do not supply a CEEOPTS DD statement, the time conversion routines may not process the timestamp correctly for your time zone.


To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

1. Add the following DD statements to your CA Compliance Event Manager Alert and Monitor component started tasks:


2. Change “YOUR.PARMLIB” to your parameter library.  This value can be the same library that you use for the SYSIN statements in your procs.

3. Add the CUSTOM.PARMLIB members CEMECEEO and CEMECEEV to the parameter library that you specified for YOUR.PARMLIB.

4. Add the following lines to the CEMECEEO member:


3. Add the following lines to the CEMECEEV member:

   * AXIS2C_CERT_LABEL=yourLABEL                          
   * AXIS2C_CERT_PASSWRD=yourPASS                        
   * GSK_TRACE=0xffff                                    
   * GSK_TRACE_FILE=/your/trace/directory/      
   * CMGR_TRACE_MODULES=NONE                              
   * CMGR_TRACE_EVENTS=NONE                               

  Do not modify these lines unless:

  - You are implementing SSL for CA Compliance Event Management
     discipline; then, only modify the AXIS2C lines.

  - You are instructed by CA Support to turn on tracing options; then, only modify
     the lines as instructed by CA Support.

2. Verify that your system’s /etc/profile global profile script has the appropriate time zone set.

3. Restart the Alert and Monitor started tasks.

After you complete these steps, CA Compliance Event Manager alert message processing will use the time zone environment variable set in your /etc/profile global profile script when it performs timestamp conversions.