Message CAL2A102E ** WARNING ** 100% of CA 7 Job Numbers in use in CA 7
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Message CAL2A102E ** WARNING ** 100% of CA 7 Job Numbers in use in CA 7


Article ID: 11702


Updated On:


CA 7 Workload Automation


Why am I getting the message CAL2A102E ** WARNING ** 100% of CA 7 Job Numbers in use? 


Release: 12.0  Only
Component: 7


The CAL2A102E ** WARNING ** 100% of CA 7 Job Numbers in use, No new jobs can enter the system ** WARNING **   is a new message for CA Workload Automation r12 when you have reached the value of your current setting for HIJBNUM.  To display the current setting and usage, enter the following command in CA 7 online:


/DISPLAY,ST=HIJBNUM             which will display 


 *** CA 7 High Job Number Statistics ***    

 Highest allowed number  :  9,999          

 Last number assigned    :    145           

 Highest number assigned :    462           

 Currently assigned count:     19           

 Percent currently used  :   0.19%


If your Highest allowed number is not at maximum of 9,999, here is the procedure to increase.

  1. Shutdown CA 7
  2. Change your CA 7 init deck statement SCHEDULE to HIJBNUM=9999
  3. Start CA 7 with ERST 


If your Highest allowed number is 9,999, then perform one of the following:

  • Issue LPRE and LPOST commands to see whether network jobs could be consuming too many job numbers. If so, cancel unnecessary jobs.
  • Determine whether there is a reason outside of CA Workload Automation CA 7® Edition for the number shortage. For example, JES being paused or unable to run jobs. Fix any underlying problems.
  • Clear any unnecessary failed jobs out of the request queue (for example, CANCEL).
  • Stop schedule scan from bringing in any new jobs.


Additional messages that you may see that relates to the CA 7 Job number

CAL2A101W ** WARNING ** 80% of CA 7 Job Numbers in use (Rising)

CAL2A103I ** CA 7 Job Number Shortage Relieved **