z/OS 2.2 PTF UA96477 Holddata
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z/OS 2.2 PTF UA96477 Holddata


Article ID: 117001


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ESP Workload Automation


z/OS 2.2 PTF UA96477 Holddata

You are being asked to check with your vendors about the above PTF HOLDDATA. Will this impact ESP or any other Broadcom product?

Here are the details of the HOLDDATA:

Software must no longer reference the IHAPSA field PSASTAK. With this PTF, PSASTAK is no longer the beginning of the normal FRR stack. PSACSTK is an existing pointer to the beginning of the normal FRR stack. Software that references PSASTAK must be converted to use PSACSTK as the pointer to the normal FRR stack. 1 Apply service as noted in the dependency hold and any related service from Independent Software Vendor products to correct references to PSASTAK. 


Development evaluated the ICN document from IBM regarding this change and it is safe for you to install this PTF. ESP is not affected by this change as it references proper fields already.