About PDSMAN EZYEDIT, manual states how to enable VSAM EDIT for Browse/View/Edit, but it does not specify what the default commands are that need to be defined in the ISPCFIGU member.
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About PDSMAN EZYEDIT, manual states how to enable VSAM EDIT for Browse/View/Edit, but it does not specify what the default commands are that need to be defined in the ISPCFIGU member.


Article ID: 11696


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PDSMAN EZYEDIT manual states how to enable VSAM edit for Browse/View/Edit, but it does not specify what the default commands are that need to be defined in the ISPF ISPCFIGU member. 


Release: PDSMA100200-7.7-PDSMAN-PDS Library Management-ONE COMPONENT


ISPF does not provide support to view/browse VSAM datasets - user has to have some product that does that.                                   
ISPF only provides support to more easily drive your VSAM product. ISPF was changed so that Edit/View/Browse would give control to your VSAM   
product - instead of rejecting the selection of the VSAM dataset.     
EZYEDIT had similar change, to allow selection of VSAM datasets and invoke Edit/View/Browse.

That is, user is in EZYEDIT, user selects a VSAM dataset, EZYEDIT drives ISPF Edit/View/Browse service, ISPF Edit/View/Browse service invokes     whatever command (REXX,CLIST or program) user defines in the ISPF configuration table.