Upgrade of the VLS files ADRPNL and ADRLIB can be a bit tricky.
When a site is using CA Ideal, the ADRPNL and ADRLIB are updated with the upgrades of multiple products:
CA Datacom/DB, CA IPC, and CA Ideal (or CA Datacom/AD, CA IPC, and CA Ideal for DB2).
It is usually recommended that CA Datacom/DB (or CA Datacom/DB when using CA Ideal for DB2) product is upgraded first followed by CA IPC and CA Ideal for each of the CICS environments.
Regardless of the order of the product upgrades, each product upgrade should update whatever the existing ADRPNL and ADRLIB are in the CICS region at the time of that product's upgrade.
So, the upgrade JCL for each product should correctly specify the current (sometimes referred to as "previous") VLS files in the CICS region to carry forward.