How can I replace our Standard (PF9) Jump Key with something different?
Article ID: 116738
Updated On:
TPX - Session ManagementVman Session Management for z/OS
User wants to: Set up own jump keys and replace PF9 with something else How can I replace our Standard (PF9) Jump Key with something else ?
Release: Component: TPX
There are multiple places the PF key assignments can be changed.
- If the change is needed at the GLOBAL / System level use SMRT option 6 User Default Parameters. - If the change is needed at the PROFILE level, under Profile Maintenance, at TPX user options. - If change is needed at the USER level, under User-Self maintenance, at TPX user options.
Change on any of the above is permanent. User will have to logoff and back on again to activate change.
There is also the 'E' command that allows changing the PF key assignment on the fly, however, it is not permanent. You can temporarily modify values associated with your userid from this panel or clear them by using the "Erase EOF" key. Changes last for the duration of your TPX session and take effect immediately.