Recovery Analyzer batch analysis ISPT017 ISPDTFRS error from common GET
Article ID: 116683
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Recovery Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS
After upgrading z/OS from 2.1 to 2.3, multiple scheduled Recovery Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS (PRA) batch analysis jobs returning the following messages:
ISPT017 I/O error on GET -/-ISPDTFRS received I/O error indication from common GET.
Start of ISPF Log - - - - Session # 1 --------------------------------- ***** Dialog Error ***** - Application(); Function Unknown (); Service() I/O error on GET - ISPDTFRS received I/O error indication from common GET.
ISPF has various messages that reference I/O errors on either GET or PUT (READ and WRITE macros) such as message ISPT017. These errors are typically caused by concatenation problems on one of the ISPF libraries.
Allocating data sets that do not have consistent DCB parameters in ISPF library concatenations often causes these messages.
For I/O errors during table services, check your ISPTLIB concatenation for inconsistent DCBs.