SMF step term records do not have MVS usage data identifying Easytrieve
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SMF step term records do not have MVS usage data identifying Easytrieve


Article ID: 11645


Updated On: 10-13-2023


Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL


SMF step term records do not have MVS usage data identifying Easytrieve


SMF step term records do not have MVS usage data identifying Easytrieve.

Who can explain this change in format, and why one Easytrieve job step did not have any MVS Usage data at all? 


Using the MVS Usage data field in SMF 30 subtype 4 records to identify Easytrieve job steps that have compiled or interpreted Easytrieve programs.


“This isn’t really an Easytrieve question”.  The Usage Data section within the SMF 

Type 30 records are as a result of specifying the REGISTER request on the 

IFAUSAGE macro. I’ve scanned all of our code and we do not use that macro within 

the product. This is done as a part of the Common Services License Management processing and its registration of 

SMF Type 89 records. Other than Easytrieve issuing an LMP 

call, it isn’t in control of these records, or their generation. 

Additional Information

Please contact the Common Services group for clarification/resolution