Problems to import a program with next version
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Problems to import a program with next version


Article ID: 11609


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Customer is experimenting the EXPORT/IMPORT functions of Ideal.

We need to import a program with the next version in Ideal Development environment,

but the program is imported with the version that was exported on other environment. 


Ideal 14.0, z/OS


When using SET IMPORT NEW VERSION xxx you have the choice between: 

- nnn Specifies that the default version for imported entities is nnn. 

- ASIS Specifies that the default version for imported entities is the version specified on the export file. 

- NEXT Specifies that the default version for imported entities is the next sequential number after the highest currently active version number for the imported entity occurrence. 


When using ASIS then the version imported will be the same as the one from the exported file. 

For example: When using ASIS, Version 6 from the exported file will be version 6 in the new environment.