To be zIIP eligible some modules must be loaded from an APF-authorized library named in the STEPLIB concatenation or in the CDMSLIB concatenation. Note that not every load library in the STEPLIB and CDMSLIB needs to be authorized. Only the libraries containing these modules.
The specific rules for load module residence for zIIP processing are as follows:
- RHDCOMVS, the load module that is executed to start the IDMS CV must reside in an authorized library in the STEPLIB concatenation.
- IDMS nucleus modules, including all line drivers and service drivers, must be loaded from an authorized load library in the CDMSLIB concatenation (see KB000042574 for list).
- The IBM language environment library (usually CEE.SCEERUN) must be authorized if it is included in the CDMSLIB. Alternatively, language environment modules can reside in the LPA.
- Any client-supplied program that runs in system mode must come from an authorized library. This includes all named and numbered user exits, database procedures, and any SQL procedures or table procedures that run in system mode.
- z/OS Callable Services library (SYS1.CSSLIB) must be in the linklist or it must be authorized and included in the STEPLIB concatenation