zVM 7.1
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zVM 7.1


Article ID: 115792


Updated On:


Mainframe VM Product Manager VM:Manager Suite for Linux on Mainframe VM:Manager Suite for z/VM VM SUITE


I will be ordering zVM 7.1 and need a list of all fixes that are pre-reqs to installing zVM 7.1.  The list must be for all products that are part of the VM:Manager suite. 


z/VM 7.1


The Solutions and PTFs for the products that require them for z/VM 7.1 have been published.

They are:

• VM:Secure 3.2 ---- PTF SO05225 
• VM Product Manager 1.2 ---- PTF SO05231                                        (Directory Reader Diagnose) 
• V/Seg 1.7 ---- PTF SO05261 
• Explore 5.0 ---- PTF SO05409 


Additional Information

The UPGRAD solutions for the individual VM:Manager products have also been updated.

The z/VM Product Compatibility Matrix has also been updated with information for z/VM 7.1.