How Can Mail Be Configured for Notifications?
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How Can Mail Be Configured for Notifications?


Article ID: 115774


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


How can email be configured for users needing to receive notifications in Clarity?


On Premise Customers:

SMTP configuration can be found in CSA > Server Properties > System, where the following can be configured and stored in the properties.xml file:

  • Hostname (without port; PPM requires port 25)
  • Default sender address
  • (Optional) Use Authentication, necessary if the SMTP requires user/password authentication.
Please note: Adding or modifying Clarity email server requires services restart.

SaaS customers:

  1. Please contact the Broadcom Support team to have the mail server configuration checked.
  2. If requesting a change in email configuration, please provide the below details when opening a case:
    • Environment URL:
    • Which configuration is required (disable mails/enable mails)?
    • Preferred scheduled time for the request (date & time)
    • Estimated downtime is 1 hour for this change
    • Due to already scheduled activities/maintenance, providing a few scheduled times will help in case the preferred time isn't possible. 

Additional Information

How to configure the SMTP server for Jaspersoft: Configure Email in a Jaspersoft server.