How do you stop the Spectrum Archive Manager process?
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How do you stop the Spectrum Archive Manager process?


Article ID: 115771


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


How do you stop the Spectrum Archive Manager process?


Release: Any
Component: SPCCSS


Spectrum Control Panel (SCP):

1. Log into the SpectroSERVER system as the user that owns the Spectrum install

2. Launch the SCP

    a. If on Windows, click on the SPC icon

    b. If on Linux, cd to the $SPECROOT/bin directory and execute "SCP"

NOTE: In order to run SCP on Linux, you must have a x-terminal running on the Windows client system and have the DISPLAY variable in Linux set to re-display back to the client system.

3. Select Control -> Stop Archive Manager from the top level menu


Use cmdC from the command line:

1. Log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation

2. If on Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"

3. cd to the $SPECROOT/bin directory and run the following command where <HOST> is the hostname of the SpectroSERVER system:


Additional Information

Enter ./cmdC at the command line for the usage information of the cmdC command.

Usage: cmdC <hostname> <function id> <pid num>/<part name>/<outputfile> <absolute path>
     function ids:
                   1 = STOP_TICKET
                   2 = STOP_AUTO_TICKET
                   3 = PAUSE_TICKET
                   4 = CONTINUE_TICKET
                   5 = REQUEST_TICKET_OUTPUT
                   6 = GET_ALL_ACTIVE_TICKETS
                   7 = GET_TICKET_BY_PID
                   8 = GET_TICKET_BY_PART
                   9 = GET_INSTALL_TICKET_BY_PART
                  10 = GET_ALL_INSTALL_TICKETS
                  11 = ATTACH_TICKET_TO_PROCESS
                 666 = KILL_ALL_ACTIVE_TICKETS_AND_EXIT
                 999 = RESTART_PROCESSD