UIM customers may need to place servers into maintenance mode en masse. There could be one or more options leveraged to accomplish this task, e.g., NAS LUA script that reads a list of servers to place in maintenance, from a file, probe utility commands/script, or REST API calls.
- UIM 8.5.1 or higher
-- NAS script to set all robots from a given file into maintenance mode –
-- Just put a maintenance.txt file in the nas installation directory (probes/service/nas) with a robot address on each line.
-- /domain/hub/robot
-- /domain/hub/robot2
local duration = 60 --edit per hub - note this is in seconds
local myBuffer ="NMS Scheduled Maintenance Script: \n"
local fts = timestamp.format (timestamp.now(),"%d_%b_%Y_%H_%M_%S")
local ts = timestamp.format (timestamp.now(),"%c")
-- see if the file exists
function file_exists(file)
local f = io.open(file, "rb")
if f then f:close() end
return f ~= nil
-- get all lines from a file, returns an empty
-- list/table if the file does not exist
function lines_from(file)
if not file_exists(file) then return {} end
lines = {}
for line in io.lines(file) do
lines[#lines + 1] = line
return lines
-- tests the functions above
local file = "maintenance.txt"
local lines = lines_from(file)
myBuffer = myBuffer..ts.."\n"
myBuffer = myBuffer.."Maintenance Period Duration: "..tostring(duration).." seconds\n"
-- print all line numbers and their contents
for _,device in pairs(lines) do
local myArgs = pds.create ()
pds.putString (myArgs, "until", "")
pds.putInt (myArgs, "for", duration)
pds.putString(myArgs, "comment", "NMS Scheduled Maintenance Script")
local rc = nimbus.request(device.."/controller","maint_until", myArgs)
myBuffer = myBuffer..device..": In Maintenance\n"
print (myBuffer)
Probe Utility commands
You can also run the pu command from the cmd line to see all of the available probe commands which could be used within a script. Most of them are self-explanatory. The _* commands are only available via checking Expert Mode. Click the cogwheel icon to enable Expert Mode.
C:\Users\Administrator>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\bin\pu.exe" -u administrator -p xxxxxxxx maintenance_mode
Sep 24 15:11:15:309 pu: SSL - init: mode=0, cipher=DEFAULT, context=OK
Address: maintenance_mode Request: _command
add_computer_systems_to_active_window PDS_PCH 17 scheduleId,csIds
probe_up PDS_PCH 1
_restart PDS_PCH 1
get_historical_maintenance_windows PDS_PCH 27 start_time,end_time,dev_id
register_maintenance_subscriber PDS_PCH 42 path,version,interval_start,interval_stop
new_duration_for_active_window PDS_PCH 20 scheduleId,duration
_status PDS_PCH 9 detail%d
remove_computer_systems_from_schedule PDS_PCH 17 scheduleId,csIds
get_next_fire_time_for_schedules PDS_PCH 1
_stop PDS_PCH 1
delete_schedule PDS_PCH 11 scheduleId
add_schedule PDS_PCH 190 name,description,start_time,duration,account
_debug PDS_PCH 8 level%d
_command PDS_PCH 9 detail%d
unregister_maintenance_subscriber PDS_PCH 5 path
stop_maintenance PDS_PCH 17 scheduleId,csIds
add_computer_systems_to_schedule PDS_PCH 17 scheduleId,csIds
modify_schedule PDS_PCH 202 schedule_id,name,description,start_time,dura
REST API option:
Maintenance Mode via command line 2.6 (rest api)
The attached tool makes it possible to put servers in maintenance mode via a command line tool (via REST API calls)
- list defined calendars
- list servers/devices in maintenance
- add server(s) in existing calendar (with server name)
- define calendar and add servers, with the server name, directly in this new calendar
- put an USM group into maintenance
- list empty calendars
- delete empty calendars
- list expired calendars
- delete expired calendars
- remove servers from maintenance
Doc file is included.
Prereq: this tool uses the webservices_rest probe that must be deployed to your UMP server.
note: Perl source and compiled version are included
Version 2.2:
- add USM group in maintenance
- add regex selection of robots in maintenance
- delete empty and/or expired calendars (only for MSSQL, if anybody with MySQL skills could translate them?)
- tested and compiled on Centos7 & Windows 2012
Version 2.4:
- UMP/Rest http or https
- add with(nolock) in sql queries
- correct sql query to select USM groups
Version 2.5:
- remove servers from maintenance (in regex format)
- a server that has multiple entries in the discovery tab (multiple cs_ids) will have all entries added in maintenance