Prerequisite Entries Corrupted in Managed Task Table in OPS/MVS SSM Policy Manager
Article ID: 115698
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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation
While implementing a series of managed resources under SSMGA V2 and SSM V3, resource entries in the SSM Policy Manager were verified and loaded successfully to the managed table which was in Passive Mode. Sometime between the 'load' of the data from the SSM Policy Manager during staging activities and going live, the table mode was flipped from Passive to Active With that, the prerequisite entries were altered from system.susbsys.table.resource to system.subsys.table.system.subsys.table.resource, causing all prereq checking to fail.
The data in the Policy Manager Table was bad.
The process provided, to address a table, is as follows: . 1. Clean up the prerequisite information in the Policy Manager. . 2. Delete all sysplex variables associated with SSMGA resources. . 3. Reload all resources into the STCTBL_CICS table. . 4. Run SGBLPLVA REQ rule for STCTBL_CICS to rebuild all the sysplex variables. . 5. Add the table to SSM control. . 6. Verify that the pre-requisite data is no longer corrupt.