DB LOAD fails with: 'Invalid object name.'
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DB LOAD fails with: 'Invalid object name.'


Article ID: 115674


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


When upgrading a database (for example, from v10 to V12) or running DB Load, the following or similar error is experienced:

U00029108 UCUDB: SQL_ERROR Database handles DB-HENV: f8ee10 DB-HDBC: 156088f0 
U00003591 UCUDB - DB error info: OPC: 'SQLNumResultCols' Return code: 'ERROR' 
U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '42S02' Native error: '208' Msg: 'Invalid object name 'PMIA'.' 
U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '42000' Native error: '8180' Msg: 'Statement(s) could not be prepared.' 
U00029160 UCUDB: previous error message can be ignored. 

U00029108 UCUDB: SQL_ERROR Database handles DB-HENV: f8ee10 DB-HDBC: 156088f0 
U00003591 UCUDB - DB error info: OPC: 'SQLNumResultCols' Return code: 'ERROR' 
U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '42S02' Native error: '208' Msg: 'Invalid object name 'PMIAM'.' 
U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '42000' Native error: '8180' Msg: 'Statement(s) could not be prepared.' 
U00029160 UCUDB: previous error message can be ignored. 

Other potentially affected objects may be (not a comprehensive list):

U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '42S02' Native error: '208' Msg: 'Invalid object name 'PMID'.' 

U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '42S02' Native error: '208' Msg: 'Invalid object name 'PMMA'.' 

U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '42S02' Native error: '208' Msg: 'Invalid object name 'PMMAV'.' 

U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '42S02' Native error: '208' Msg: 'Invalid object name 'PMMD'.'


Database: MSSQL


Missing Database User permissions.


Referencing our Documentation:


The following rights must be assigned:

Section 3. Creating a Database User
  • Highlight the AE database in the Database access tab and select db_backupoperator, db_datareader, db_datawriter, db_ddladmin, db_owner and public in the database roles.

Once these permissions are in place, this error should no longer present during a correctly performed upgrade/Database Load.