REORG will not run
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REORG will not run


Article ID: 115661


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Innovation Data Processing (UPSTREAM)


 I am running Upstream 3.9.1. My weekly backup failed with the following message: UST051E 11:30:22 @ROOTALL VSAM ERROR: DD=USTFILEI LOC=PT06 REQ=01 FDBK=2908001C R0=00000001 R15=00000008 UST051E 11:30:22 @ROOTALL VSAM ERROR: REASON=FILE IS FULL - MAY NEED TO REORG FILE A LISTCAT verified this: HI-A-RBA------2737152000 HI-U-RBA------2737152000 I attempted a REORG of USTFILEI and got the following response: UST265W 04:00:25 USTFILEI REORG COMMAND BYPASSED REASON=FILE IS NOT BELOW %FREE UST249 04:00:25 USTBATCH MODIFY COMMAND ACCEPTED - REQUEST: REORG DD=USTFILEI %F=10 Out of desperation I removed the %F parameter and go this: UST223E 12:34:33 USTFILEI SECURITY: LEVEL-2 VERIFICATION FAILED UST222E 12:34:33 USTFILEI SECURITY CHECK FAILED SAF COMP=X'0004',RACF COMP=X'0004' CODE=X'0000' CLASS=WSIDENT ENTITY=USTFILEI I checked all previous executions of our weekly REORG going back a year and they all issue the UST265W message. This tells me that since we have never encountered a security error before then we have never actually reorganized our files. I’ve played with security and nothing I do will permit me to run the REORG job. So I have two problems. 1) I really need to get my backup running again. What can I do to free up space in USTFILEI? 2) How can I get security setup to permit the REORG? 


Component: UPSSRV


Innovation recommended not using the %F option to trigger the REORG. They will be removing this function with the next release. Customer needs to remove the option and run the REORG on a weekly bases.