How to Interpret a UFO Dump?
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How to Interpret a UFO Dump?


Article ID: 11565


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How to read a UFO system or transaction dump?


This article explains how to find the UFO control block and also provides important offsets that will assist you in determining the cause of the problem.

  1. Display the system or transaction dump.

    Note: A transaction dump may or may not have all of the storage locations needed to fix your problem.

  2. Find the UFO transaction work area. You can find this by looking for the string '*MLCB**'. This eye catcher is +01E0 into the UFO user TWA.

To find out which application and components were running at the time of the abend, check the following offsets:

Offset Description Length
Current ACB Name
Current /DID (DD name)
Current /FID
8 byte character
8 byte character
8 byte character

To find the pointers to your files and working storage, check the following offsets:

Offset Description Length
Record Pointer File #0
Record Pointer File #1
Record Pointer File #2
Record Pointer File #3
Record Pointer File #4
Record Pointer File #5
Record Pointer File #6
Record Pointer File #7
Record Pointer File #8
Record Pointer File #9
Private Working Storage Pointer
Shared Working Storage Pointer
TWA Working Storage Pointer
Current IMS/DL1 PCB Pointer
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes
4 bytes

To find the operands that make up your UFO statement, check the following offsets:

Offset Description Length
Compiler Procedure Pointer
Current Procedure Line Number
Current Procedure Operand #1
Current Procedure Operand #2
Current Procedure Operand #3
Current Procedure Command Code
Current Procedure Op Code
4 bytes
2 bytes
8 bytes
8 bytes
8 bytes
1 byte
1 byte