Message VAN0991I POOLDEF invalid syntax: EXCLUDE POOL=(VIO,SYSSQ,SYSALLDA is being issued within the Vantage console.
Release: Component: VANT
1). In library PARMLIB(POOLDEFS), add the following at the bottom: EXCLUDE EXTFLT=(EXVANT) 2). In your library PVANTAGE.FILTERS, add the member EXVANT. Add the following in that member: EVENT_TYPE=FILTER TITLE=POOLEXVANTÂ SET_FILTER=VANTPOOL EXCL (VIO,SYSSQ,SYSALLDA) * This will correct the VAN099I message. * Info from 14.0 manual: POOLDEFS - (Optional) Local PARMLIB Member Use this member to define user-defined storage groups by volume names, patterns, or any other volume attribute, and to assign descriptions to any storage group. These user-defined storage groups are displayed as USR (user) defined, in contrast to: SMS, MVS, or VAM defined storage groups. You can also use this member to instruct the system to exclude certain MVS, SMS, or VAM storage groups based on their unit names. Use the Host Configuration Client to define user-defined storage groups, assign descriptions to any storage group, and to exclude storage groups from the processing. See the Help text in the Host Configuration Client for further assistance when defining the user-defined storage groups or when descriptions are going to be added to already defined storage groups. Note: System parameter POOLDEF controls the exact name of this member. For more information, see system parameter POOLDEF in System Parameters. It specifies the last character of the member name. The default is (S), which means the default member name is POOLDEFS. Example of POOLDEFS Member: Â POOLDEF NAME=(IBMPOOL), EXTFLT=(FPS00001) DESA=(USR Genned SG IBMPOOL) POOLDEF NAME=(FRAG250), EXTFLT=(FPS00003) DESA=(USR Genned SG FRAG250) DESB=(desc b) DESC=(filter smd06/) POOLDEF NAME=(3380) DESA=(test description a) DESB=(test desc b) DESC=(test desc c) EXCLUDE EXTFLT=(FPSEXCL)