Problem Determination Using CA SYSVIEW
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Problem Determination Using CA SYSVIEW


Article ID: 11542


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There are a number of CA SYSVIEW commands that you can use for problem determination. The following information describes some common problems and the CA SYSVIEW commands that can be used for problem determination.




Problem: A batch job was submitted but it does not appear to be running.

Use the LISTINP command to see if there are other jobs in the same job class also waiting to be executed. The LISTINP command shows the order of jobs with the same class that are waiting to be executed. If it's really important that the job run soon, change the priority of the job by overtyping it on the screen. Another option would be to change the job to another class by overtyping the class on the screen. Also, use the JINIT command to make sure there is an active initiator that will select the job class. If no initiators are available, you can start one can by using the S line command and overtype the Classes field to include the class of the job.

Problem: The job (batch or started task) is executing, but it seems to be delayed for some reason.

The DELAYS command can be used to display information about why jobs are delayed. This command provides a quick way to see why all jobs are being delayed. It shows if a job is waiting on CPU time, a device, a storage request, a JES2, HSM, or XCF request, a mount request, or an enqueue. Additionally, line commands can be used to give more detailed information about why the job is delayed.

Problem: The job seems to be using a lot of CPU time.

From the ACTIVITY command, use the TM line command to invoke the TASKMON command for the job. This command displays information about modules that are executing and the amount of time spent at different places within the module. If it looks like the job is spending a lot of time at one location within a module, it might be looping. Return to the ACTIVITY display and scroll over to the IOCount field. If the count is not incrementing, it's a good bet the job is looping. Use the CD line command to cancel the job with a dump so more problem determination can be done.

Problem: The job is on the JES2 output queue waiting to print, but it's not printing.

Use the JOUTQUE command to check the status of the job. The Status field will show if the job is held. If the job is held, check the HeldReason field to see if additional information is available. If no additional information is available, try releasing the job with the R line command. If the job is not held, use the SORT command to sort by output class or use the parameter line to limit the classes displayed to only one class. If there are multiple jobs displayed and it is important that the job be printed soon, overtype the output priority to put it at the beginning of the print queue. To see if there is an available printer for the job, use the JPRINTER command.

Problem: The JES2 spool volumes are getting full.

The JOBSUM command is the best command for this situation. It shows all jobs in the system and how much spool space each job is using. By using the SORT SPOOL% command, you can sort the display to show which jobs are using the most spool space. Jobs using a lot of spool space can be deleted using the D line command once it is determined the output is not needed. If more spool space is needed use the JSPOOLS ADD subcommand to add another spool volume.

Additional Information

There are a number of commands in CA SYSVIEW that are used to do problem determination in other areas as well. These are just a few of the problems where CA SYSVIEW can help with problem determination and resolution.