How to change the Hostname or IP Address on a SpectroSERVER or OneClick Server
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How to change the Hostname or IP Address on a SpectroSERVER or OneClick Server


Article ID: 11537


Updated On: 09-30-2024


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


We need to change the IP Address and Hostname of our servers running Spectrum.

Will this have an impact on Spectrum?

What are the requirements for making these changes?


Release: DX Netops Spectrum supported releases


IP Address Changes 

After you have changed the IP of your SpectroSERVER or OneClick server machine, make sure the SpectroSERVER and the OneClick server machine(s) can all ping each other by IP.

Likewise, make sure all machines running Spectrum applications and/or integrations can ping the SpectroSERVER(s) and OneClick server(s) by IP, and vice-versa (make sure the servers can ping the machines running the apps). It might help to add the IPs and hostnames to the /etc/hosts files on all SpectroSERVERs and OneClick servers. In Windows, the hosts file is in Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Edits to hosts files take effect immediately. Sometimes it takes DNS servers a while to catch up, and less frequently firewall ACLs need to get updated to let traffic through. In the latter case, the pings might succeed, while a firewall might block TCP. If that's the case, just have the ACLs edited to replace the old IPs with the new ones.

Please reference the "Communication Across Firewalls" section of the documentation for details of the ports Spectrum uses.

Your managed devices will need to have the new SpectroSERVER IPs in their trap server lists, and if it's practical, you could remove the old IPs from those lists. You could accomplish this for the devices supported by the Network Configuration Manager (NCM), via an upload task.

Please reference the "Network Configuration Manager" section of the documentation for information on upload tasks.

It is recommended to shutdown the Spectrum processes and reboot the SpectroSERVER system after changing the ip address.


Hostname Changes

With few exceptions, Spectrum servers communicate via SSAPI and Corba. Both of these only use hostnames (not IP addresses).

The files that need to be changed are:


On a SpectroSERVER:

  •  $SPECROOT/.hostrc
  •  $SPECROOT/.installrc
  •  $SPECROOT/UI-CONFIG.<hostname>
  •  $SPECROOT/LS/.locrc
  •  $SPECROOT/.LocalRegFile
  •  $SPECROOT/.corbarc
  • $SPECROOT/.jcorbarc
  •  $SPECROOT/SG-Support/CsResource/preferences/ssroe.prf
  •  $SPECROOT/vnmsh/.vnmshrc


On a OneClick Server:

  •  $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/META-INF/context.xml
  •  $SPECROOT/.hostrc
  •  $SPECROOT/.installrc
  •  $SPECROOT/UI-CONFIG.<hostname>
  •  $SPECROOT/webtomcat/bin/
  •  $SPECROOT/webtomcat/bin/
  •  $SPECROOT/webtomcat/webswing/webswing.config


Processd may also need to be updated with the configured hostname (for Windows platform):


./processd --install --username <hostname>\username --password <passwd>


Note that if the hostname of the Main Location Server (MLS) is changed, then all SpectroSERVERs and OneClick servers in the distributed environment must be updated.

Additionally if OneClick is configured for https, the certificates would need to be updated with the new hostname.
Certificates with the old and new hostnames in the list of Subject Alternative Names could be applied preemptively if desired.

Additional Information

It is best practice to back-up all files before editing them.