CAUAJM_W_10225 Only the CA WAAE EDIT superuser can set the owner
Article ID: 115313
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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys)CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)Workload Automation Agent
Unable to start job. Error: 132004 error occurred while sending for start event
When FORCE_STARTing a job, the user was getting the below error: CAUAJM_W_10225 Only the CA WAAE EDIT superuser can set the owner.
CA Workload Automation version: 11.x and 12.x
When FORCE_STARTing a job, the user was getting the below error: CAUAJM_W_10225 Only the CA WAAE EDIT superuser can set the owner.
EEM was enabled for WCC, but Autosys is on Native Security mode. The EXEC user list in autosys_secure did not have the WCC user ID (the userID used to login to WCC) listed in there.
To fix this issue, add the WCC user to the EDIT/EXEC users and once done the client should be able to execute the jobs as expected.