How is Workload Management done for Generic Resources of multiple CA-TPX images?
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How is Workload Management done for Generic Resources of multiple CA-TPX images?


Article ID: 11531


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TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


Workload balancing in a CA TPX Generic Resource environment.

How is Workload Management done for Generic Resources of multiple CA-TPX images?


CA TPX 5.4


In a Generic Resource environment, a user logging on to CA-TPX is routed into one of the TPX images that build the Generic Resource.

This can be accomplished by any of the three processes detailed below:

  • VTAM session balancing: VTAM will use the terminal session counts provided by VTAM's Coupling Facility to balance the number of active terminal sessions on each Unicenter CA-TPX instance.

  • VTAM calls to the z/OS Workload Manager (WLM): After making the selection based on the session counts, the VTAM network node calls IBM WLM, which can override the instance chosen using VTAM's own logic.

  • VTAM Generic Resource exit: VTAM will call the user-written VTAM generic resource exit (if one exists), which will override the first two choices.


Additional Information

More details can be found in the IBM Redbook 'Parallel Sysplex Configuration', which is downloadable at: