Does the default for NEWPW(WARN=) still apply as described when FACSTOR(YES) is in place?
WARN=nn Specifies the number of days leading up to expiration during which users receive warnings that their passwords or ACIDs are about to expire. Example: WARN=3 specifies that a user receives a warning during each of the last 3 days before expiration occurs. Default: 3 (If you respecify NEWPW and omit WARN, the product preserves the previous value of WARN.)
When FACSTOR(YES) is in place, if NEWPW(WARN) is already in place, the product will preserve the WARN value previously stored (if available); if not yet stored, the default takes precedence. If FACSTOR(NO) is in place, and NEWPW is specified in the PARMFILE without a WARN value, the default takes precedence during start or reinit; if NEWPW is issued as a MODIFY command and WARN is not specified, the WARN value stored at Top Secret start-up or at reinit will be preserved.
Release: Component: TSSMVS
NEWPW is not a FACILITY control option. It is a Global control option.
FACSTOR only affects FACILITY control options.
Global control options will still be read from the Top Secret parameter file and will not be read from the security file.