Unable to see Landscapes in Discovery or Locator search dialog
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Unable to see Landscapes in Discovery or Locator search dialog


Article ID: 115260


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


We recently upgraded to Spectrum 10.2.3 and since then we are not seeing any Landscape names show up in several dialogs within OneClick. The Connection status dialog, Locator searches, and even Discovery console all show blank list of Landscapes to choose from. We have a DSS environment with an MLS and several distributed servers. Why are they not listed? 


Windows OS
Spectrum 10.2.3


This appears to be an issue with Java. Spectrum comes shipped with 1.8.0_121 and newer versions are supported, but not all newer versions are able to be tested. In some cases, newer version of Java may show odd issues within OneClick Java Console displays and dialogs. 


1. Try clearing Java Cache on all servers


2. Then close out all OneClick Java Consoles and re-launch.

3. If that does not solve it, you may want to revert Java JRE version to what is shipped with the product. 
- Uninstall all versions of Java JRE.
- Reinstall the shipped version of Java (for this instance, 10.2.3 ships with JRE 1.8.0_121) 
- Clear Java cache and relaunch OneClick Java console
- The issue should be resolved by now, now you can try to re-apply newer version of Java and test.

NOTE:  Using a version of Java that is lower than the version that ships with Spectrum is not supported.

4. You can also set Tomcat settings to accept the java versions installed on the machine
- verify correct versions of Java are listed in "Supported JRE Version"
- also tick box "Allow newer versions"

5.  Stop Tomcat and delete the work folder.   When Tomcat starts it will recompile a new work folder.   The work folder is where Tomcat writes any files that it needs during run time, such as the generated servlet code for JSPs, the class files for the same after they are compiled, the serialized sessions during restarts or shutdowns (SESSIONS.ser).