S813-04 Abend in CAIIJMP job when using the NOVOL parameter at CAESDR
Article ID: 115115
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PanAudit PlusEasytrieve Report GeneratorPAN/SQL
If the NOVOL parameter has been used in the CAESDR job in order to create a (virtual) cartridge with another VOLSER than the original VOLSER, the CAIIJMP job is going to terminate with: ... IEC149I 813-04,IFG0195H,CAIIJMP,LINK,SYSLIN,0DAE,T12345, CAI.CAT12345.FILE11, ... In the CAESDR output you will see: ... CA product volser = 0P0112, mounted volser = T12345 ... --- File 0011 Starting --- Tape DSN: I.CA0P0112.FILE11 ...
Release: Component: PANSQL
0P0112 is the original VOLSER of CA Easytrieve Toolkit, delivered by CA Technologies. The NOVOL parameter is going to allow to use another VOLSER - T12345 in this eaxample.
In order to get rid of the 813-04, you have to add another variable to the CAIIJMP job. For instance you can add a DSN#VOL variable after the TAPEVOL variable: ... // TAPEVOL=T12345, // DSN#VOL=0P0112, ... Then you have to change &TAPEVOL to &DSN#VOL in the LINK, UNLOAD and CAIIJMP job steps as follows: ... //SYSLIN DD DSN=CAI.CA&DSN#VOL..FILE11,DISP=(OLD,PASS), ... //SYSUT1 DD DSN=CAI.CA&DSN#VOL..FILE12,DISP=(OLD,PASS), ... //SYS001 DD DSN=CAI.CA&DSN#VOL..FILE12,DISP=(OLD,PASS), ...