If you have detected orphan members in an Base, Delta or Endevor listing library ELIB.
This article explains how to use the BC1PNCPY utility to eliminate orphan members from an ELIB listing library.
It is important to understand why these members are orphan. Then you need to investigate to make sure that any Base, Delta or listing member is really an orphan member before to delete it.
I have orphan members in my Endevor ELIB library; how can I remove them from the library?
Release: All Supported Releases
1 – Use the BC1PNCPY utility to copy the ELIB to a PDS or a PDSE library.
2 – Delete the orphan members from the PDS or PDSE library
3 – Create and initialize a new ELIB Listing Library
4 – Using BC1PNCPY utility copy the PDS or PDSE library to your new ELIB listing library.
5 – Rename your existing ELIB
6 – Rename your new ELIB listing library to replace the previous library
For more information on the BC1PNCPY Utility: BC1PNCPY Utility