How to send an alarm message to both ems and nas
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How to send an alarm message to both ems and nas


Article ID: 11495


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Prior to the UIM 8.4 release, all alarms were processed by the NAS probes.  The EMS probe was introduced in 8.4 to handle events and it is necessary to manually configure the trellis service alarm-routing-service to route all alarms to both NAS and EMS.

How do I route all alarms to both NAS and EMS?


UIM 8.4 and higher


To route all Alarms to both NAS and EMS you will need to create a new route and have it set to both nas_destination, ems_destination in the alarm-routing-service.cfg trellis service configuration file

ems Probe Deployment and Configuration->Configure Legacy Alarm Routing->Add Routes

Example config:

   name = alarm-routing-service
   version = 8.40
   description = Alarm Routing Service
   vendor = CA Technologies
   loglevel = 5
   logsize = 20000
   copyright = Copyright (c) 2015 CA Technologies
   default_destination = nas_destination
        order = 1
            prid = *
        destinations = nas_destination, ems_destination
      subject = alarm1
         name = nas
         section = setup
         field = enrichment_subject
         probe = alarm_enrichment
         queue = alarm_enrichment
      subject = legacy_alarm
         name = ems
         section = setup
         field = legacy_alarm_manager_subject
         probe = ems
         queue = legacy_alarm_manager
      java_mem_init = -Xms32m
      java_mem_max = -Xmx512m

Additional Information

The alarm-routing-service.cfg file is located under the located under the <UIM_Installation>\probes\service\trellis\service\alarm-routing-service\config directory on the primary hub.