Group List screen shows only Groups an Assignee is member of when we click on 'Group' Lookup.
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Group List screen shows only Groups an Assignee is member of when we click on 'Group' Lookup.


Article ID: 11489


Updated On: 10-26-2023


CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


On a ticket detail screen, specify Assignee first, then click on 'Group' Lookup link, a displayed Group List shows only Groups the specified Assignee is member of.

On the previous version, all Groups regardless the Assignee's Group are displayed. Is there a way to change the behavior?


Release: SDMU0M99000-14.1 and higher
Component:  CA Service Desk Manager-Full License


If you click on <Show Filter> button, you will be able to find that an argument is added in the 'Additional Search Arguments' as per below.

The behavior was changed by Service Desk Manager r14.1 Cumulative #2 patch. The Assignee and the Group fields work as per below.

- If you select the Assignee first, and click 'Group' Lookup link, only Groups the specified Assignee belongs to are displayed.

- If you select the Group first, and click 'Assignee' Lookup link, only Analysts of the specified Group are displayed.

NOTE: If you install "Any_Contact" option, all Contacts and Groups are displayed when you click on those Lookup links.  However, the Assignee/Group relationship still holds true, to populate both the Assignee and Group fields the selected Assignee must be a member of the group.

Out-of-the-box, there is no way to change the behavior on the Cumulative #2 and #3 servers. If you need to display all Groups, please remove the argument in the Additional Search Arguments field, and then click on <Search> button again.

The behavior on the Cumulative #4 patch is as shown below.

- With the "Any_Contact" option installed, if you select the Assignee first, and click 'Group' Lookup link, all Groups regardless Assignee will be displayed.  If we select a group that the specified Assignee is not member of, the Assignee filed will be blanked out automatically. 

- If you select the Group first, and click 'Assignee' Lookup link, only Analysts of the specified Group are displayed.