How do I revert the Workload Automation AE security back to NATIVE mode when the configured EEM server is not available?
When Workload Automation AE has been configured to use EEM security and the required EEM Server is no longer available, autosys_secure command can no longer be used to revert Workload Automation AE back to NATIVE security. In that case, the following steps should be performed to revert WAAE back to NATIVE security mode:
delete from aedbadmin.ujo_keymaster where hostid = 'SECURITY';
update aedbadmin.ujo_alamode set int_val=0 where type = 'JOB';
update aedbadmin.ujo_alamode set int_val=0 where type = 'EVT';
delete from aedbadmin.ujo_alamode where type = 'SEC';
After that, autosys_secure command can be used again to continue administering WAAE.
DISCLAIMER: The procedure documented herein bypasses the WAAE external security (Embedded Entitlements Manager a.k.a EEM) and hence all security authorization policies setup in EEM for the WAAE instance in question will NOT be available until external security is reactivated. Ensure the WAAE Application server(s) and Scheduler(s) are stopped before carrying out this procedure so that no unauthorized actions (autorep, sendevent, etc) are processed whilst the WAAE instance security is being reset.