Which ACB masking field in CA TPX takes precedence: user maintenance ACB mask default or ACT Mask entry name?
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Which ACB masking field in CA TPX takes precedence: user maintenance ACB mask default or ACT Mask entry name?


Article ID: 11448


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TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


Which ACB masking field in CA TPX takes precedence: user maintenance ACB mask default or ACT Mask entry name?


Release: NVINAM00200-5.4-TPX-Session Management-Access Management package


Virtual terminal masking can be defined for users and/or sessions in several places:

1) Sessions

(a) ACT (Application Characteristics Table):  Mask entry name

  • Specifies the name of the virtual terminal mask entry within the Virtual Terminal Masking Rules Table (startup parm MASK).
  • You can use TPXOPER Display Tables (D TBLS) to verify the table name.

(b) Profile session options: ACB Mask

  • Specifies a virtual terminal name or single ACB selection mask that TPX uses when assigning a virtual terminal to the application.
  • You can use the mask character "-" in this field.                                  

2) User Options (Profile and/or User level) 

(a) ACB mask default

  • Specifies the name of the group virtual terminal or single ACB selection mask that TPX must use when establishing sessions for the user.  TPX will use this same virtual terminal for all of the user's application sessions.
  • You can use the mask character "-" in this field.

IMPORTANT:  You must ensure that the specified virtual terminal has a corresponding definition within the type required for the application.  For example, an ACT entry which specifies Type GRP will search for ACBs within the VTAMLST section for GROUP.


The Session mask takes precedence over the User Option mask. (Profile session options will override the ACT, as usual.)

When you define the mask within Profile Maintenance User Options (or User Maintenance for a specific userid) with the "ACB mask default" field, the mask will be used for all sessions that do not have a virtual terminal masking table entry defined within the ACT field "Mask entry name". 

If you need to have a specific user's mask take effect for all sessions, then that will need to be incorporated into the masking table entry details.

For example: 


If application A78TSO did not have a Mask entry name defined within the ACT, the userid's ACB mask default will take effect. 

If the application does have a Mask entry name defined within the ACT, you have to update that table entry to accommodate the new set of ACBs. 


Userid A06216P has ACB mask default = -A0B0C36 

IMS ACT specifies Mask Entry name IMST. 

Virtual Terminal masking rules in table SYSAPROD (or the defined table) for entry IMST need to have the first rule in that entry as physical #A0B0C-- to virtual -*******


Any new userids will need their User Maintenance set up with an ACB default mask specific to their userid.